Chiropractic Adjustments in Minnetonka MN Lower Stress Hormones

By now you probably know some of the positive effects chiropractic in Minnetonka MN can have on the spine. It increases flexibility, reduces pain, prevents spinal arthritis, and improves your posture. But what you may not always realize is that adjustments also have an impact on the brain.

How Chiropractic in Minnetonka MN impacts the brain

There have been several studies done in the last decade to measure how chiropractic adjustments impact the brain. During the studies, patients are connected to a brain scan while the adjustment is performed. Many of the studies are finding that adjustments impact the prefrontal cortex, the area of the brain responsible for executive decisions and reasoning.

Activating this part of the brain by delivering a chiropractic adjustment can have far-reaching impacts on the entire body. When your prefrontal cortex is activated, your body will be put into a parasympathetic state. This is the state your body goes into when it needs to rest, heal, and repair. When your body is in this state, it will also produce less of the harmful stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline and at the same time will produce more of the beneficial hormones called endorphins and enkephalins. This is one reason why many people report chiropractic to be a “stress reliever.”

As more research continues to emerge, you can rest assured that your weekly adjustments have a far-reaching benefit beyond maintaining the biomechanical integrity of the spine. Let us know if you would like access to any of the research shared and we will be happy to provide it to you. Also, If you know anyone else who can benefit from the information on this page, feel free to share it with them so they can also benefit from chiropractic care too!